Values and Ethics

Core Values of the Institute

1. Respect for Nation: Every member of U. S. Ostwal Education Society family should abide by the constitution of India and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag, National Anthem, its heritage, and uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of the country.

2. Responsibility: Everyone in the institute must discharge his/her duties with utmost responsibility.

3. Accountability: Every individual who has been entrusted certain roles and responsibilities shall be accountable for his/her actions.

4. Transparency: All the activities should be conducted in a transparent manner and records should be maintained properly.

5. Gramothan: The Institute is committed to developing nearby villages and schools located in the slum areas.

6. Faculty Development: Institute believes in the individual academic development of its faculty and shall encourage them to undertake higher studies, provide facilities to carry out innovative research, and promote them to participate in the development of the Institute and nation building.

7. Quality: Institute would pursue quality in all its endeavors like teaching learning process, examinations, research and development and all related functional areas.

8. Environmental stewardship: Committed in incorporating green technologies for environmental protection and sustainable development of the Nation.

9. Respect for others: The dignity and respect of every individual must be observed while interacting with others.

10. Fairness: Everyone in the Institute must treat others honestly and without any bias based on cast, creed, sex, religion, disability or any other matter of personal performance.

Code of Ethics:

1. Adherence to the Highest Ethical Standards It is expected that every employee, faculty members, officer, staff, members of Governing Board, management to adhere to the highest ethical standards and respect rules, regulations and laws which are applicable to his or her position and duties and to comply with them in letter and spirit.

2. Maintenance of the Highest Standards of Academic Integrity Every member of the Institute involved in teaching and research activities is expected to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Activities such as plagiarism, misrepresentation and falsification of data are strictly prohibited.

3. Maintenance of Accurate Records Every member is expected to create and preserve correct records and documents regarding all the activities performed.

4. Compliance with All Grant Terms & Conditions Every member is expected to comply strictly with the terms and conditions of each grant on which he or she is working.

5. Work Towards Achieving Vision and Mission of the Institute Every member is expected to faithfully carry out his or her professional duties in furtherance of the Institute’s vision and mission.

6. Equal Policy for all stakeholders of the Institute The Institute is committed to a policy of equal treatment, opportunity and respect in its relations with its faculty, staff, students and others who come into contact with the institute. Every member is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of caste, religion, colour, gender, age, disability or parental status.

Code of Ethics for Prevention of Malpractices and Plagiarism in Academics and Research The Institute firmly believes in following ethics and honesty in every aspect of academic activities. Teaching and research are novel professions which necessitate stringent moral obligations. Therefore, certain measures are established for prevention of malpractices and plagiarism failing which would evoke disciplinary actions at various levels.

1. Mandatory Similarity Check: It is mandatory for each student to get a plagiarism check performed for submitting project report/dissertation/ research paper to the Institute or any other agency for ensuring the authenticity of the
submitted document.

2. Award of Incentive and Certification: Faculty members are encouraged to publish their research finding in reputed research journals.

3. Academic Integrity Panel: An Institutional integrity panel is formed to address any complaint or allegation of malpractice against student/faculty member