Best Practices

We are committed to holistic development of the students, while simultaneously integrating them with the corporate world and the society. Our focus is devoted to equipping our students with necessary technical skills integrated with skills, so that they not only become successful in life but also responsible citizens. Some of the best practices followed at our Institute are mentioned below:

Green and Eco-friendly Campus

The primary objective of initiating the concept of green campus is to lay great emphasis on various practices related to environment and sustainability. This mainly consists of harnessing sustainable energy in form of solar panels and maintaining greenery by planting & caring of new plants every year.

Student Empowerment

Students are the lifelines of any institute and thus need a profound care and attention for their development. The institute empowers the students through the following measures:

Discipline and Regularity

We lay a great emphasis on discipline. The class attendance is regularly monitored by the respective teachers, HODs and by the student section. The parents of the students having less than 75% attendance are informed at regular intervals through telephone/letter by respective teachers.

Communication Skills

Special emphasis is given to improve communication skills of the students. We introduce to students to language laboratory to improve their listening, speaking and writing skills in the English language.

Soft-Skills Training

Soft skill trainings and lectures are imparted to students for final year students by the faculties.

Campus Recruitment Training (CRT)

The training and placement cell of U. S. OSTWAL P. G. COLLEGE organizes regular training sessions called CRT sessions along with detailed mock interviews to provide students with an edge to face the real placement drives.


The institute provides various institutional scholarships to students based on their needs and academic excellence to support them continue their studies.

Financial Support

Those students who are very poor/economical weak are not able to fill college fee are partially are fully wave off

Extra-curricular Activities

The institute devotes weekly dedicated hours to various extracurricular activities throughout the year for operating with a potential participation of students and teachers. Extra-curricular and co curricular activities including games and sports are regularly organized. The students are encouraged to participate in games at the state and national level.

Security & Safety

The institute has separate hostels & mess for boy and girl students. Entire campus including lecture room and labs is under CCTV surveillance for security and safety. Our transportation equipped with GPS.


The students and staff members are regularly reminded about their social responsibilities. Our institute has been felicitated in the past by HRDC –Swatch bharat.

Blood Donation Camp

The institute organize blood donation camp every year where many students, faculty and staff donate their blood voluntarily. The institute keep record of prospective blood donors who can contact immediately if a request for blood is received from any hospital.

Village IDRA Adoption

The institute has adopted a village near of college. This small village is called IDRA Tehsil- Dungla, With reference to the adopted village, IDRA, the institute aspires to bring constructive changes in the life of the villagers about educational and social issues. It also instils a feeling of service to society among the students studying in the institute. The programme is executed under the aegis of students.

Several other social activities such as village upliftment clean India, Swacch Bharat Pakhwada, Nukkad Natak, etc. are also undertaken by students of the Institute.

Faculty Development Initiatives

Faculty development Programme

Every year in-house Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) are organized for faculty. Faculty members are encouraged to attend Staff Development Programmes (SDP) sponsored by HRDC, UGC and other institutional
bodies of repute along with seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences, etc.

Financial Support

Financial assistance is granted to faculty/staff for attending various training program.

Higher Qualification

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to acquire higher qualifications.

Awards and Recognitions

The students securing first and second ranks in each class and branch are awarded prizes during the annual function.

Competitions are held regularly among students the winners and runner-ups are awarded prizes.

Alumni meet organizes – Alumni doing excellent work in their respective organizations are presented with ‘PRIDE of U. S. OSTWAL’ award.

The faculty members who publish good research paper in journals are awarded certificate and prize and are felicitated on Independence Day every year.

Industry-Institute Interaction

As a part of the industry-institute interface, visits to industries are organized for students from time to time. Experts are also invited for talks from Industries and various academic reputed Institutes. The institute collaborate with many corporate institutions and associates with them in their academic initiatives.

Annual Fest

The institute organizes a mega annual fest. The idea is to provide students with the real facets of team- work, leadership skills and creativity. It is also a magnificent platform to break monotony for students, faculty and staff members. This is one time of the year when the hierarchical positions among administration and faculty blur to give space to great bonding.

Value Additions

The institute have implemented a value-added feature, i.e, ERP for students, parents and staff members. This facility provides an access to student’s attendance and performance which the parents also can access online. The student lifecycle module digitizes the process of admission, time-table, attendance, exam and grading